Noises To Listen For When Turning On Your AC This Summer

With the arrival of summer comes the need to keep your home cool and comfortable. Firing up the AC after a long winter's hiatus can be a bit unnerving if you are greeted by an odd noise coming from your unit. The following guide can help diagnose the noise your central AC is making so you can get it back to running smoothly as soon as possible. Clicking noises after startup [Read More]

Commercial AC Air-Handler Maintenance to Assist with Low Airflow

If you have a large office or manufacturing building with a central air-conditioning system, then you may not think about your cooling system all that much as long as cool air blows through your vents. However, if you have recently started to notice that less cool air is being pushed through your building, then it may be time to start investigating whether or not your AC system needs a bit of assistance. [Read More]

Tired of Cold Drafts in Your House During the Winter When Your Heater Is Running? Consider Upgrading to Radiant Heating

When you live in a climate with harsh winters, and your home has a dated HVAC system, it is likely that there is an uneven distribution of heat in your house. This can be frustrating as you move about your home and walk into cold pockets of air when the heat is running. Instead of resorting to placing space heaters around the house to make up for the lack of warmth in certain rooms, consider upgrading your HVAC system with a radiant-heating system underneath your flooring. [Read More]

How to Winterize Your Air Conditioner and Prepare Your Furnace for Winter Use

As autumn's cooler temperatures arrive, it is time to winterize your air conditioner and get your furnace ready for heating your home. Here are some instructions to winterize an outside AC unit and a window AC unit as well as steps you can take to prepare your furnace for use. Winterize Your Air Conditioner If you have a window AC unit, unplug it and remove the filter. Wash the filter with soap and warm water. [Read More]